• Wellness

Level Up Your Mental Health With Gaming

Oct 04, 2023 by JR Carag

3 min read

AB_Level Up Your Mental Health With Gaming

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it has become increasingly vital to find effective ways to alleviate and manage stress and be mentally healthy. Traditional methods like therapy, meditation, and exercise have become more prevalent in our society, but a captivating and immersive alternative has also emerged—gaming. Going beyond what most perceive as just a source of entertainment, studies have shown that playing video games can have a positive impact towards a player’s mental health. Learn more about the positive mental health benefits of gaming and how it can help level up your own mental health!

Gaming can be a form of self-care, too!

Stress reduction through mindfulness

Mindfulness, also known as “the flow state,” is maintaining complete awareness of one’s thoughts on a moment-to-moment basis. It’s more commonly linked to meditation, but studies have shown that gaming can also lead to this flow state. A study in 2018 suggests that playing video games can help players recover from a long day of work or school. By trying to complete immersive tasks within the game they’re playing, they’re able to achieve mindfulness.

Regulating emotions

Negative emotions are more commonly linked to gaming. It’s why well-known gamer terms like “tilt” and “rage quit” exist, which both describe the bursts of anger a player experiences through gaming. However, competitive online players have found ways to self-regulate successfully, thanks to their need to focus on the task at hand. Vdeo games are helpful in terms of providing a controlled environment for people to self-regulate, whether intentionally or not.

Dopamine release

There’s a correlation between casual gaming and mood improvements. By accomplishing tasks and goals within the game, players achieve a sense of satisfaction, or a release of dopamine, the “happiness hormone.” No wonder it’s such a popular form of entertainment.

Community building and social interaction

Thanks to the advent of online gaming, video games have been a rich source for people to interact with one another. As human beings, social interaction is one of our fundamental needs, and online gaming creates a social environment that encourages people to interact with like-minded people. Thanks to the anonymity that games can provide, more introverted individuals can also find interacting with others easier in comparison to face-to-face interactions. And while some gaming communities can be deemed toxic, the key is finding fellow gamers whom you can consider friends.

Take care of yourself, the smart way

Reward yourself after a long day with gaming! Of course, don’t forget to take breaks from gaming and try traditional methods of improving your mental health. Download mWell with your PLDT Home Fiber Plus plan and get expert advice from mental health professionals, right from the comfort of home.


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