• Technology

Guide to Streaming: What You Need and How to Start

May 19, 2023 by Louigi Balao

3 min read

The first traces of streaming can be dated way back to the early 1990s when people wore backward hats and an absurd amount of wristbands and had the video games displayed via projectors and then taped. Yep, I used the word tape because those were still prominent then if you want to replay epic plays from professional players. 

Sometimes it takes a little push to begin your streaming journey!

The art of streaming, or to be specific, video game streaming, began to popularize with the rise of the Twitch website. Twitch was a platform that allowed people to stream whatever content they wanted to a live audience, allowing interactions to be instant and relayed the raw content behind the creator before editing—an unfiltered and genuine experience.

If this entices you, we are here to shed light on beginning your streaming journey—short and simple.

Content. You may be raring to go, but planning is a vital step–the same goes for all other things. Some people begin streaming just for the sake of it, but if you really want to grow a small community or yearn to earn from it, having a general roadmap is a great start.

From The Democrats Official GIPHY

With that in mind, you can choose what to cover in your streams. As of the time of writing, the popular streaming categories fall under gaming and music. A general content category such as Just Chatting is also strong, but it is recommended to gather a following first.

What’s fun about streaming is that you can continue doing your own hobbies and eventually find the people that would appreciate and enjoy what you are doing. It just takes careful planning, dedication, and a little bit of help from the community.

Equipment. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to work! You need a good system, Internet connection, microphone, and camera. The system will be the heart of the operations as it carries out what happens from your end to the end of your viewers. Next is your internet connection. If you want the video relay to be smooth and not pixelated to your viewers, you would require a stable, fast, and dedicated Internet connection. And what fits that requirement the best than a reliable secondary Internet connection from PLDT Home’s MyOwnWiFi? Acquire the best plan that suits you best so you can stream confidently.

Finally, you would have your microphone and camera. These tools are what showcase your personality in both looks and voice. Do be reminded that there are quick tips that can make any budget device look high-end, so do keep watch for those.

You are the brains of the operations and must need to know how to use your tools to fully maximize each of their potentials without necessarily spending more—work with what you got and then upgrade from there when needed.

Software. Take your pick; there's a lot to choose from. If you have your content in mind and your equipment ready, the next step is to choose software that will accommodate your intros, transitions, and ending sequences. We recommend Streamlabs, OBS Studios, and Restream for streaming programs. All these platforms are beginner-friendly and they integrate well with your chosen platform.

Platform. Finally, it is the platform that other streamers reside in. The big three streaming platforms right now are Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. It is recommended to start with one of the three and then branch out to other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. The platform is where your audience can see your schedule, socials, and other quirky information about you, so make sure to treat your profile with care because some people look out for those.

From Twitch Official GIPHY

It's now just a matter of consistency.  You finally got started. That is awesome! In comes the more challenging part, consistency. First, you prepare, hit that “Go Live” button, and begin your streaming. The hard part is looking at numbers and the quality of your content, which may sometimes be a downer. What should you do?

Keep your head up; the only competition that should be on your mind is yourself. If you see improvement from the past, that is growth; streaming is fun, and you should be enjoying yourself as you do it. Once you build your community, the small interactions will fuel you to proceed, so keep at it, soldier.


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