• Productivity

AI-Proof Your Original Written Work Stands Out With These Tips and Tools

Jun 20, 2023 by JR Carag

3 min read

AB_AI-Proof_ Ensure Your Original Written Work Stand Out With These Online Tools and Steps

The advent of AI-assisted content creation has been both a boon and a curse for content creators. For every person who finds it easier to come up with ideas thanks to AI tools like ChatGPT or AI-assisted image editors, artists and writers are being doubted that their work is original because of the leaps in AI capabilities.

Simple hacks to AI-proof your writing!

Granted, checking for AI-generated art is much more difficult in the age of the internet, but the same cannot be said for written work. If you’re someone who wants to protect your written work from being tagged as AI-generated, use these tips and tools that you can use with a home Wi-Fi connection to ensure that your original work doesn’t get flagged!

But first: how does AI generate content?

AI-Proof AI Technology

AI tools utilize already existing work available in its database. More often than not, it does not generate anything original; instead, they curate information from what’s already available to suit your needs. So it’s always in your best interest to not copy-paste these AI-generated responses outright–that’s akin to plagiarism–and merely use the information to guide your writing.

This is especially important for academic writing, as there are now tools that your professors can use to check for AI-generated content. Software such as Turnitin have AI detection tools that can highlight and identify if you’ve used AI-generated responses and present it as your own. The service can even identify if you’ve only made minor edits to mask any non-human-provided content.

Other tools you can use to ensure that your presentation can’t be mistaken as AI-generated are the AI content detectors from Copyleaks, Writer.com, and GPT-Zero, which can all check for the probability of your written work sounding like AI content.

Do your own research

AI-Proof Asian Girl Doing Research

Knowing what’s already out there is a crucial step to not only AI-proof your work, but also avoid plagiarism. Being inspired by AI-generated responses is one thing, but knowing the line between inspiration and plagiarism is another. Thankfully, there are multiple free plagiarism checkers online for written work. Quetext can scan the web for similar lines of written text, while spell and grammar checkers like Grammarly can even run a scan while you’re writing!

It should go without saying, but AI-proofing your work should now also be part of your self-editing. Even if it is by total accident, checking your work for possible plagiarized content is still a must before sending it to your editors, to avoid repercussions down the road.

Find your writing voice

AI-Proof Writing Process

AI-generated content tends to be simpler, more straight to the point, and even formulaic. Not everyone writes the same way, similar to how not everyone speaks in the same manner. Your readers won’t doubt if your writing is original or AI-generated if what you’ve written has the same unique flourishes from how you’ve written before. There’s no tool more important and more powerful to AI-proof your work than your own unique writing voice. And you’ll discover that the more you write and

AI-proof your writing with a seamless and reliable internet connection!

We hope these tips and tools help you protect your writing from sounding robotic. Now, you can also lag-proof your daily work routine, too–PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans give you fiber-fast speeds anywhere at home, so you can do more and achieve more! Subscribe today and experience the difference.


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