• Technology

Got a New MacBook? Do These 5 Things First!

Jan 24, 2024 by Louigi Balao

3 min read

AB_Got a New MacBook_ Do These 5 Things First!

Got a new MacBook? Did you already finish that satisfying unbox? Congratulations! You, my friend, have acquired a premium item advertised to last you quite a while! But before it remains your trusty partner through the years, you have to go through these steps to maximize your overall experience.

A new laptop means fresh new tips!

Let's dive into the first five steps to take after starting your new MacBook.

Join and sign up for your Apple ID. This fruitful journey has to start at the door, and by “door” I mean your Apple ID. This is important as it provides a seamless way to identify your account to be granted access to your other devices. If you already have an Apple ID, you can easily breeze through setup because Apple does the work for you.

From Apple Official Website

By connecting to iCloud services, you can easily share photos, contacts, calendar events, etc. A word of advice, however: the initial storage given can fill up quickly, which is why it is best to try the upgrade it offers. If you want a further explanation on whether you should avail more storage, check out Why You Should Upgrade Your iCloud Storage.

System Settings is your friend. Okay first off, turn on Dark mode, located on the appearance tab in the system settings. Your eyes will thank you. With that out of the way, the system settings are your friend whenever you open that Mac lid.

From PermissionIO official GIPHY

Whether it's tweaking the sensitivity of your trackpad or choosing a desktop wallpaper that fits your aesthetic, adjusting these settings ensures that your MacBook becomes an extension of your personality, creating a user experience that feels uniquely yours. Plus it's just a snazzy sensation to customize your laptop—style points.

Shop for the good stuff. How can one function without their trusted applications and programs? Well, head on over to the App Store or Safari and download whatever you need to effectively do your day-to-day work. If you are a PC user and use a MacBook for productivity, I highly suggest getting Tiles. This program will allow you to quickly organize your windows or tabs the same way you did on PC; just drag it to a certain side and let the app do its thing.

From Apple Official Website

The way you prep your MacBook’s arsenal is up to you, which is why you should take your sweet time on it. Do be warned about the sus programs you stumble on the internet along the way.

Docking is key! You got your Apple ID up and your trusty programs downloaded. All that is left to do is to dock. Docking is essential as it allows apps and tools to be within reach through a single swipe. How shall you do it? Well, simply drag and drop your app onto the dock for easy access. This efficient organization minimizes clutter and maximizes productivity. Keep your friends close, but your programs closer.

From Pierre-Julien Fieux Official GIPHY

Enjoy. Make the most of the cool features your Apple devices can do with one another. The Apple sphere allows seamless communication and compatibility—from phones to laptops, to even a small smartwatch. It is your ship to drive and it is on the seas of awesome technology!

One vital thing that is needed when setting up your Macbook is Internet access. If your current subscription can’t keep up with all your activities, you definitely need an upgrade. Don’t settle for less and upgrade to the fiber-fast speeds that PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans delivers.


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