• Wellness

Embrace a New Kind of Zen with Your "Own" WiFi

Jun 27, 2023 by Louigi Balao

3 min read

AB_Embrace a New Kind of Zen with MyOwnWiFi

Life as a whole can be overbearing, causing burnout, stress, and exhaustion that leave you in desperate need of some alone time. No friends, no family, just “me, myself, and I.” There’s nothing like a classic “me” day that will allow you to reconnect with your inner zen, and what better way to spend that relaxing time than with PLDT Home’s MyOwnWiFi?

Keep things connected and find your inner peace.

The question now is, how can you embrace that new zen? Read on and find out!

Replace that stress with something meaningful. Having a routine isn’t bad; it shows consistency in life that doesn’t require the mind to think too deeply. Because of that monotonous style, people overlook its simplicity and add additional workload, which ultimately causes stress.

Spongebob reading

From SpongeBob SquarePants official GIPHY

Why not replace that stress with something meaningful? It’s your “me” time, so take advantage of it and learn something new, giving your mind a different flow of energy and information. If your work requires you to deal with statistics, why not replace that cycle with something spontaneous and creative, like painting? Tap into your inner child and discover what hobbies pique your interest. With PLDT Home’s MyOwnWiFi, your can seamlessly stream TED talks that push you into a new hobby. From that, you can give your own spontaneous TED talk at home–no judgment, just a completely safe space.

The world is your oyster, and you are its pearl. Reconnect with your zen and enjoy your time.

Bump up that show you’ve placed aside. Sometimes, the mind needs a win. No matter how big or small, a win is a win. So where can you get that?


From Boomerang Official GIPHY

Kick up that show you brushed aside and finish it today. Completing something after it has been set aside might be the small win you need. Binging the shows with your dedicated WiFi connection will be a breeze. No buffering equals no problems, allowing you to enjoy your shows without interruption.

Having your own private Internet network can better control your usage and protect your sensitive data from potential cybersecurity threats. To stay safe and secure, it's always better to opt for a dedicated Internet connection is always better. Don't take any risks when protecting your private information—it's better to be safe than sorry.

Vibing frog


Step out of your usual genre and find a different song selection. Life is full of surprises. Take a different route today from your usual music and find a new rhythmic road. Your “me” day can be new grounds for exceptionally new music that can give your soul new energy it needs to tackle the next day full of stress, but for now, just enjoy the time you have for yourself.

Enjoying your “me” time can be subjective. One thing, however, we all can share anguish towards poor Internet connection. Have that issue solved when you have your own dedicated WiFi so that you will never again be a victim of slow Internet!


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