• Gaming

The Unspoken Rules of Video Games

Jul 07, 2023 by Louigi Balao

3 min read

AB_The Unspoken Rules of Video Games

Life has its set of unspoken rules. Things like not talking in a busy elevator or taking extra care of the stuff you borrowed from a friend. Those simple actions earn respect from people even without you knowing it—the same goes for video games.

Just like how there are certain unspoken rules in life, there are some for our beloved games!

Different games and communities have their own set of unspoken rules, and you will find out what they are as we discuss them today! So don’t be that guy that gets “random” hate just because you crossed the line, learn as much as you can here!

If someone drops all their loot, you must do the same and punch it out!

Apex Legends

Caustic mug

From Apex Legends Official GIPHY

You and your squad are dominating teams left and right. It’s the last circle, and you are eager to get a clean wipe for that high-damage game. You finally spot the last person left and see that he has dropped everything. DO NOT SHOOT HIM WITH YOUR GUN!

One unspoken rule for games like Apex is leveling with someone who wants to lay it all out for a fistfight. So what do you do? You spam crouch, drop all your items and punch them out. If you are in a full squad, you must take turns in the fight. If you win the fight, you get honor and respect.

Don’t chase the Singed. Just, just don’t.

League of Legends

Dont chase a singed

From League of Legends Official GIPHY

The lean, mean, poison machine.

Singed is a character in League of Legends that can fling you around, slow you, leave fart clouds of death, and do all that while speeding around the map like Usain Bolt. Because of all that, players are urged not to follow this maniac. He will bait you with his low HP and run circles around you until your healthy whittles down. You can either see it in action or learn it the hard way.

You have been warned.

If you are head-on collision with another player, you must only press accelerate.

Rocket League

Rocket league

From Xbox Official GIPHY

Rocket League is a game about soccer, but using cars instead of players. This high-flying, speedy game requires skill and practice if you are going to pull off some crazy maneuvers. Occasionally, players would find themselves crashing into one another in an attempt to control the ball in their favor. However, if players are stuck in a head-on collision with one another, they must only press accelerate. This must be done until someone or something interferes.

If you lose, you must always blame the lag.

General gaming rule

Furious at lag

From nothingwejun Official GIPHY

It doesn’t matter if the other player was significantly better in every way, you lost because of lag. This is an unspoken rule that everyone has gone through at one point in their gaming experience—traditional in a sense.

You must at least blame lag at least once.

Now, if you really don’t want to experience frustrating lag, elevate your experience by upgrading to PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans to guarantee a seamless and speedy connection that will keep you in the game. Once you have it, you will never make that an excuse again!

Respect the duel or suffer the consequences.

Star Wars | Mordhau

Star wars

From Xbox Official GIPHY

Respect the unspoken rule of having/giving an honorable duel! For games like Star Wars or Mordhau, when a player brandishes their weapon, they are asking for an honorable fight. You must then brandish your weapon as a sign of accepting the invitation.

Now, if you witness this from someone else, you MUST NOT interfere. If you have interfered, you may experience an awful time because the two players may chase you down for the duration of the game. Sometimes the players would get the whole lobby to join in a hunt for your head—in-game.


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