• Gaming

Ahead of the Game: Unraveling the Reason Behind Gaming Pre-orders

Feb 28, 2024 by Louigi Balao

2 min read

AB_Ahead of the Game_ Unraveling the Reason Behind Gaming Pre-orders
Have you ever wondered why game developers want you to support their upcoming masterpiece even before it releases? How they present the wonderful option of “pre-ordering” behind eye-catching advertisements, which ambiguously hides its authenticity. If this has crossed your mind a few times before, grab your controller as we unveil the hidden motives behind the world of gaming pre-orders.

Are gaming pre-orders a smart move or a questionable scheme?

Do you hear that? Something is buzzing. One of the primary motives behind gaming studios offering pre-orders is to cultivate early excitement and anticipation. How? This is normally accomplished through a series of goodies and exclusive content—perhaps things like a one-of-a-kind hat drop that will only be given if you jump on the ship early.

By allowing players to reserve copies of the game before its official release, studios create buzz and talk that ramps up when its official launch does come—it’s a similar feeling when school or work calls for a long weekend in the upcoming future, just pure excitement.

From NBC Official GIPHY

Furthermore, it offers a layer of exclusivity that comes with pre-ordering, which taps into those gamers looking to play something that not a lot of people can get a hold of. Yet, in e recent cases, it allows these players to play ahead of the crowd. 

What do the studios achieve? Answer: a financial boost that fuels development.

When looking at things from a financial perspective, pre-orders provide gaming studios an extra push of capital that can be allocated to whatever department is lacking. This financial injection helps studios deliver a more polished and immersive experience, which lives up to the initial buzz it garnered.

From Boomerang Official GIPHY

But is this always the case? Well, was Assassin's Creed Unity a great purchase? Yes and no.

Yes, because it was a step in the right direction regarding gameplay and graphical innovation–people to this day regard it as a great game. But no is also an appropriate answer because it was a buggy mess during its launch. So imagine those who pre-ordered the game just to have glitches happen every 10 minutes or so. Pre-orders are simply placing faith in promises that can be broken.

From Reddit user EonSnake

So the next time you are on the verge of pre-ordering, remember that you aren’t just purchasing a game; you are investing in the studios’ promise that can be either true or deceptive. Exercise caution when presented with the option, as it could lead to regret.

Limiting doubts about a game you are excited to get can solidify your choice of pre-ordering or not, and what better way to gather intel than with the Internet? Follow your favorite games and all their news with a network that provides you with fiber-fast speeds. With PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans, you can get the information you need anytime and continue gaming without worry.


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