• Gaming

What Is Asset Flipping in Video Games?

Feb 28, 2024 by Louigi Balao

3 min read

AB_What is Asset Flipping in Video Games_

Have you ever followed a simple house design you found online for, let’s say, your Valhalla home? From there, did you add your unique additions to that house? If so, would you still count that as copying since you used someone else's design to act as a reference for your own creation?

Please don’t blame the tools; blame the one who uses them!

Due to the horrendous release of the IP (intellectual property) entitled “The Day Before,” or what is better known as the scam of December 2023, people have discussed whether or not asset flipping should be a legitimate element that people can access to since it has an impactful weight to the industry. But what is asset flipping exactly, and why does it matter? Today, we shall delve a little deeper into this concept and unravel some disparities you may have, allowing you to decide on your own.

The core. Asset flipping refers to the practice of acquiring pre-made assets from third-party people or websites like itch.io or opengameart.org. These assets can vary from basic character model animations to even the basic settings of the game. The main point of asset flipping is to quickly assemble a game structure without necessarily putting in the work. Think about it this way. If you want to create a unique character but only have two hours to do so, you can asset flip a female character for its base features and use the remaining 1hr and 40 minutes to create something to your liking.

From Larian Studios’ Official GIPHY

Instead of working from scratch, you can work with a guide per se. It's a tool developers can utilize to streamline their processes, allowing them to focus on gameplay mechanics and storytelling. It's a practical application that gives them more room to invest in their creation for your enjoyment.

Where is asset flipping more prevalent? A great example is the phenomenon called “shovelware” games. Like a shovel, it is a bunched-up set of games produced and released in hopes of making a quick profit. These games often recycle assets to make sub-par creations quickly because, sadly, some malicious developers are driven to cut corners for profit. So, as a general PSA, dear gamers, be careful out there and read into the titles you are eyeing.

From The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Official GIPHY

It boils down to the ones using the tools. The Day Before was quite a journey that ended up in disappointment for the gaming community. I was excited about this, but it turned sour—it was just a game filled with empty promises and a butt-load of asset flipping. But, despite the controversies that follow the process of asset flipping, it isn’t inherently bad. It is a valuable resource for developers, especially with limited time, budget, and resources. By leveraging pre-made assets, developers can concentrate on refining gameplay, creating innovative features, and polishing the overall product.

If you are a chef, you can focus on creating the best steak meals as your rice neatly cooks in the rice cooker.

From FRAG Pro Shooter Official GIPHY

Additionally, it can provide a good entry for those keen on trying game development. They can begin from there if they don’t necessarily have the basics of design but have a great concept. Asset flipping can democratize and lower the entry barrier for aspiring creators—allowing them their own shot.

Are you also a budding developer? Access to assets is abundant online, but you need to download them to gather them. You may need an upgrade if your network is on the fritz and you can’t download simple files. Look towards PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans and equip yourself with fiber-fast speeds that can accompany you in your journey to game development.


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