• Technology

Be Safe & Smart: What to Check Before You Buy a Secondhand Device

Nov 15, 2022 by Karess Rubrico

3 min read

AB_Be Safe _ Smart_ What to Check Before You Buy a Secondhand Device

So you’re buying a secondhand device. While this may be the more popular and cost-effective option, purchasing a used laptop, computer, or mobile device poses certain risks. Following our tips below will help you make the necessary steps to ensure that your (new) device won’t give you a headache.

Your secondhand device may be a steal, but it’s still better to be safe than sorry!

Stack of laptops

Buy from reputable sellers

Your first and best option is to buy a refurbished laptop or smartphone from an authorized seller. This means that the phone has been cleaned and checked thoroughly, from the inside out–we’re talking both hardware and software here. Next, ask your seller if you can get a warranty on the device, which will save you precious thousands of pesos if the device suddenly breaks down shortly after purchase.

You may also opt to check online marketplaces. Check the seller’s reviews thoroughly and be on the lookout for any security measures they have in place against scammers. To err on the safe side, arrange for a physical meetup when you claim the device, and make sure to do the necessary checks before sending them your hard-earned money.

And remember: if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.

What to keep in mind when buying a secondhand laptop

So you’ve switched on the laptop, and everything looks smooth so far–but don’t go ahead and download all the necessary apps to it just yet. Check if there are any files the previous owner left, and format the hard drive promptly.

Closeup of laptop keyboard

A 2021 study by tech security giant Kaspersky confirmed that only 11% of former laptop owners wiped their drives clean before selling–and this data includes both their personal and corporate information! As if that’s not enough, you may also inherit bonus malware already present on the device, which might compromise your security this time around.

With that, we recommend that you immediately install and activate a reliable security solution for your secondhand computer to offset the harmful risks of encountering malware already present on your device. In addition, make sure to perform a scan on your laptop prior to installing any other apps or signing in to any of your accounts.

What you need to remember before buying a used smartphone

When you switch on your purchased smartphone, you should immediately go through the setup process before you get started. If not, there are two likely causes of this: either the previous owner was lazy and didn’t bother resetting their device, or it may contain some form of malware.

Closeup of hand using a smartphone with laptop

The easiest solution is to run a factory reset on the phone immediately. This ensures that everything is deleted from the phone, and it should revert to when it was first unboxed.

After some time, your phone may stop receiving important security updates from your manufacturer, making it more vulnerable to cyberattacks. In cases like these, downloading a third-party antivirus app on your phone is an additional safeguard for your security and privacy.

Stay safe and connected with PLDT Home

Buying a secondhand device may not be as expensive, but it is still very much an investment–and one that you wouldn’t waste. We hope these tips help you exercise greater caution should you need to make a gadget purchase soon.

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