• Productivity

Work Smart: 5 Job Skills That Make You Marketable

Sep 12, 2023 by Karess Rubrico

3 min read

AB_Work Smart_ 5 Job Skills That Make You Marketable

Early in 2023, LinkedIn released a list of the most in-demand job skills in the Philippines. Part of this initiative is to hone talents within organizations, leading to “digital fluency and employee retention.”

The future of work is already here!

As workers, it wouldn’t hurt to upskill–whether your employer offers them or not. And you need the right technology and tools to jumpstart your learning journey. A fiber-fast home WiFi connection makes the difference in staying on top of your game! Here are some of the most marketable job skills available for all of us today:

  1. Digital Marketing

According to Meltwater and We Are Social’s 2023 Global Digital Report, over 85 million Filipinos are connected to the Internet. Around 80% of that number go online to find information on anything–and 64% research brands and products.

Any Filipino Internet user has likely chatted with a Messenger chatbot or an actual human being behind the screen, inquiring about a specific product or service–but that’s just one small piece of the puzzle.

More companies are shifting towards reallocating their budgets for digital marketing efforts because their captive audiences and potential customers now spend more time online than ever before. Brands are looking to cut through the online clutter to be noticed–and when you learn how to become a digital marketer, you’ll need to be able to develop a robust digital marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition, continuously find new clients–and keep your current customers.

  1. Customer Service

There’s more to customer service than just following scripts and answering queries. It’s about adding value to your buyers so that they continue transacting with your brand or business. And even if you aren’t strictly in a customer service role, having empathy, adaptability, and good communication skills translate even within internal teams. Customer service applies when we have good working relationships with our teammates, and promote a good working environment.

  1. Leadership and Management

Our relationships with our managers are a factor in why we stay at our jobs. If you lead a team yourself, there’s more to it than making sure things get done. This skill requires being able to steer people into achieving their goals, navigating through change, and being a team player. As more companies scale, it’s always better to look for potential leaders from within the company.

  1. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

A study by the World Economic Forum identified critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving as “rising in prominence” in terms of in-demand skills. Employers are on the lookout for team members who can think outside the box and exercise their creativity through problem-solving. Combining this with any hard skill makes you marketable, relevant, and more than capable to pivot to change!

  1. Data Analysis

While this skill isn’t explicitly on LinkedIn’s initial list, having the ability to interpret data for forecasting and decision-making is imperative in today’s data-driven landscape. Having data analysis skill sets allow you to provide business leaders with insights to reduce costs or optimize workforce performance. Taking time to learn tech tools such as Python and SQL will be to your advantage.

Work smart with PLDT Home

Being open and agile to change means learning new things. And with PLDT Home Fiber Plus plans, you’re sure to achieve your learning goals, stat! Thanks to fiber-fast speeds, you’re better able to learn and upskill right from the comfort of your home. Make the Philippines’ undisputed fastest Internet for five years straight part of your next career upgrade!


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