• Productivity

Digital Decluttering 101: Smart Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Space (Part 1)

Nov 15, 2023 by Karess Rubrico

3 mins read

AB_Digital Decluttering 101_ Smart Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Space (Part 1)

You might not be aware of it yet, but your digital workspace comprises your computer, tablet, phone, and home Internet connection.


Other than our physical setup, keeping our virtual setup clean

and clutter-free can give our productivity a much-needed boost–and that applies even when you know where everything is. Here’s a lowdown on what digital decluttering is, and some steps to get you started!

Practical tips to organize and clean up your files

Why should I declutter my files?

Think of digital cluttering as the, uh, digital version of “general cleaning.” Every once in a while, you may be accustomed to clearing out your home of items that, as Marie Kondo puts it, don’t “spark joy” anymore—which can be things that you no longer use or need.

From University of Alaska Fairbanks Official GIPHY

The same concept applies to digital decluttering. It’s deleting apps, files, photos, and other data that no longer serve you. Even if you have a foldering system down pat, any excess files may still be collecting dust on your disk space. Accumulating them over time may slow down your devices and keep them from working as expected.

If your device is devoid of all those unnecessary files, you won’t just have a faster machine–searching for the exact file you need is a breeze.

Dealing with digital clutter can also get pretty overwhelming. With all the files you’ve downloaded, it can get pretty daunting to get started. But just like any new habit, it begins with baby steps.

How can I get started on digital decluttering?

Following our “general cleaning” analogy, you don’t necessarily tackle your entire house all at once–that’s bound to be a disaster. Work with one device at a time, starting with your work computer. Here are some ways you can do so:

  • Do a regular purge. Your computer’s Downloads folder holds a treasure trove of files that you may have downloaded one time and never touched again. Maybe the contents in your Recycle Bin/Trash haven’t been taken out for a while, too. Set a reminder for yourself to clear the items in these folders on a weekly basis. It won’t take that much time (unless you sift through everything), but it makes a difference. Your disk space will thank you.
  • Label your files accordingly. It can be tempting to avoid assigning file names whenever you download or take screen grabs of something, but seeing an entire folder of “IMG490902323890.jpg” or “Screen-Shot-3294898724.png” might make you give up cleaning up altogether! Make file location easier and more seamless with proper naming conventions. That way, it’s easier to identify what needs to be moved to a specific folder or deleted.
  • Limit the number of primary folders you use. Start with three or four folders for easier categorization. They can be as straightforward as “Work,” “Personal,” or “Important.” Or, you can base them on priority: “Urgent,” “Important,” and “Someday.” Take time to think through what works best based on your workflow.
  • Avoid using your Desktop as a folder for downloads. While this is often a very convenient option–especially if you’re rushing in between tasks–desktop clutter accumulates over time, easily turning into your new wallpaper. And it can get pretty exhausting to look at when your workhorse boots up! Develop the discipline of saving the files you need in their appropriate folders, or like mentioned above, keep them in the Downloads folder and purge them as needed.

From Microsoft Community

  • Limit your browser tabs. It can be tempting to have an innumerable number of tabs open especially when you’re doing research or a random thought pops up and you just have to Google it. But keeping multiple tabs open at a time will inevitably slow down your browser’s load time. Practice having a maximum of five tabs open, to save RAM and help you stay focused!

Stay productive the smart way with PLDT Home

Digital clutter doesn’t have to be part of your digital life forever. Keep posted for the next part of this series for more tips on decluttering your email inboxes and browsers!

It can be a major pain if your Internet connection doesn’t work as expected, especially in the middle of your workday. Good thing PLDT Home’s Fiber Plus plans check all the boxes for a fiber-fast home WiFi connection–ensuring that you get everything done, stat! Subscribe to the Philippines’ undisputed fastest Internet for five years running, and stay productive all day. 


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