• Productivity

High-Powered Productivity: Which Work Setup Suits You Best?

Dec 05, 2023 by Karess Rubrico

3 min read

AB_High-Powered Productivity_ Which Work Setup Suits You Best_

Work has largely shifted back to the office, with most businesses and companies citing greater productivity and engagement for office workers as their primary reason. So if you’re one of the luckier ones with the freedom of choice for your work arrangement, congratulations! You’re probably enjoying working from home and having a hybrid setup.

Take this quiz to find out!

If you’re wondering which of the two is the ideal option for you and your lifestyle, answer this quiz to find out!

How long does it take for you to get ready for work?

  1. I need enough time to start work–say, 1 to 2 hours.
  2. I don’t really need a pre-work ritual. I can go straight to work anytime, as long as I have fiber-fast WiFi!
  3. It depends on the day, really.

When it comes to work, do you prefer structure or flexibility?

  1. I enjoy structure and finishing my work within a specific time of the day.
  2. I prefer work that gives me leeway to do my tasks and other things that come up in between.
  3. I create order out of chaos! I have a structure in place that lets me be flexible.

How do you handle distractions to your work?

  1. I do my best to accommodate any last-minute or urgent requests, but I discipline myself to focus on my tasks as much as possible so I can get things done.
  2. I have no problems going back to my tasks despite multiple distractions.
  3. I keep them to a minimum as much as I can. When I get distracted, I can always get myself back on track.

Do you prefer working alone or with a team?

  1. I prefer having face-to-face collaboration with my teammates. It’s much easier that way.
  2. I do my best work alone and only need minimal interfacing with colleagues.
  3. I don’t mind having both. I enjoy having face time with my coworkers, just as much as I enjoy doing my work by myself.

Do you need a dedicated space so you can work well?

  1. Yes, so I can get in the zone. I even have a desk setup that works for me!
  2. Nah. I can work anywhere!
  3. I’ve got a dedicated workspace at home and in my office, so no problem!

If you’re mostly As: You’re better suited for office work!

You’re probably secretly relieved that you had to go back to the office once pandemic restrictions loosened up. You enjoy routine and structure and can better focus in the office. Collaboration with your teammates is important to you, and as much as possible, you keep clear boundaries between work and play.

If you’re mostly Bs: You’re probably a remote worker!

You’ve been working from home (probably even before the rest of us did) and haven’t looked away since–and it’s worked wonders for you! While juggling all your responsibilities at home and work could have been taxing at the start, you’ve found a pace that works for you. You also probably have a home office setup that’s equipped with everything you need!

If you’re mostly Cs: You might be a hybrid worker!

You get the best of both worlds from working from home and in the office, and you’re likely able to balance both your personal commitments and professional obligations well. You’re also probably more organized and disciplined than most, as your setup requires you to maximize your time efficiently–and we’re here for it!

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