• Technology

Should You Upgrade To A High Refresh Rate Monitor?

Dec 19, 2023 by Ron Bulaong

3 min read

AB_Should You Get A High Refresh Rate Monitor_

Whether you are a gamer seeking enhanced responsiveness, a designer craving accurate visual representation, a professional aiming for increased productivity, or a multimedia enthusiast wanting a more immersive experience, you need a monitor that can keep up with the latest advancements that the tech world has to offer.

Is the investment worth it?

Enter high refresh rate monitors. It may look deceivingly similar to a regular display panel at a distance, especially when it’s not powered on. However, as soon as you flick the switch, we can assure you that you’ll never look at regular monitors the same way again.

From Samsung Philippines Official Website

What is this sorcery, you might ask? Well, it has everything to do with the frequency at which the monitor can display a new image per second. This is known as the refresh rate and it is measured in hertz.

Putting things in perspective

A typical LCD panel on a monitor has a refresh rate of 60Hz. This means that it’s capable of showing 60 new images per second, which isn’t all that bad, especially for day-to-day use cases. High refresh rate monitors, on the other hand, display between 120 up to 240 images per second.

Therefore, the more images a monitor can show per second, the smoother the visual experience is going to be. The simplest example that I can think of to relate this concept to real-world application is a flipbook animation.

As you can see above, the faster the artist flipped through the pages of the paper pad, the more fluid the motion cartoon looked.

Now that we have some understanding of what differentiates a high-refresh monitor from a regular display, let’s look at some of the reasons to get a fancy monitor like this.

Enhanced Gaming Experience

With the ability to render and display more frames per second, gamers will experience heightened immersion, better response times, and improved precision, ultimately gaining a competitive edge.

Fluid Visuals for Content Creation

Designers, photographers, and video editors often require precise visuals to create their masterpieces. A high refresh rate monitor offers them a more accurate representation of their work. These monitors provide a smoother display, allowing users to view intricate details and color gradients with greater clarity. The smoother display also reduces eye strain and fatigue, allowing users to focus for longer periods without distractions or discomfort.

Better Viewing Experience

Watching movies, streaming content, or exploring visually-rich websites can be more enjoyable with a high refresh rate monitor. The higher refresh rate allows for smoother video playback, reducing the visible stuttering or tearing that can occur on lower refresh rate screens.

There is a prevailing notion that high refresh rate monitors don’t have any practical use outside of gaming. However, these monitors offer a multitude of benefits across various domains. Additionally, investing in a high refresh rate monitor is future-proofing your setup, ensuring it remains compatible with evolving technologies.

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