• Technology

How You Can Make AI a Friend to Your Career

Oct 06, 2023 by JR Carag

3 min read

AB_How to Make AI A Friend to Your Career

The topic of AI has been abuzz lately. The release of cloud based AI tools have sparked numerous conversations on the capabilities of AI and the possible extent of its usage. ChatGPT and Bard can be extremely helpful in many professional fields if you know how to leverage their capabilities–in fact, this recent leap in AI technology is being considered to potentially be the next “industrial revolution,” So how can you make AI a friend to your own career and keep up with the times? Here are some of the ways we’ve found that’ll help you stay ahead of the curve!

Can AI can help you get a leg up at work?

Your friendly task automator

Many of your daily work tasks have been made easier with multiple AI tools–moreso, if you have a fiber-fast WiFi connection at home. From creating slide presentations, to analyzing and organizing spreadsheets, and even replying to emails, some AI tools exist to simplify these (seemingly mundane) tasks. This saves you time and effort from performing tedious work, allowing you to focus on more important matters.

From Simplified Official Website

For those who need to create a slide presentation for work, Simplified harnesses the power of AI to generate powerpoint presentations from scratch/ These generated presentations already include relevant images, charts, and text that you can simply edit to fit your needs.

From SheetAI Official Website

For professionals who work with spreadsheets daily, AI spreadsheet plugins such as SheetAI generate formulas or intuitively autofill information based on parameters you provide. You no longer need to be a spreadsheet wizard in order to efficiently use spreadsheets.

From HyperWrite Official Website

For those who spend significant time trying to phrase email responses to sound professional, AI email response tools like HyperWrite can do the work for you. It can even be used to generate responses for customer support or client inquiries, as well as generate text to provide project updates or meeting details.

Your friendly idea generator

One of the many strengths of AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard is that they’re formatted for conversation. If you need someone to brainstorm with, or someone to give a fresh perspective or out-of-the-box suggestion to solving a problem, these AI chatbots can be great substitutes thanks to their vast pool of knowledge. You can ask about handling specific situations or check for more efficient solutions to one of your tasks. Just don’t forget that while these bots’ knowledge are vast, they’re still limited. It’s still your own knowledge on the intricacies of a certain task that you should rely on. Plus, there’s always Google.

Your friendly research assistant

Another of AI chatbots' many strengths is its ability to present digestible information and direct answers to your questions, minimizing the time you spend scouring for relevant research materials—especially if you ask it to provide sources for its answers. It can even help parse through provided text and present what it considers the relevant information based on the parameters you provide. With this helpful time saver, you can use your time saved to double-check the AI’s responses for accuracy and start making use of the research it provided for your task.

A quick note on utilizing AI for work

Although these AI tools can be extremely helpful in simplifying tasks, never forget that these AI generated responses aren’t always perfect. For example, ChatGPT’s information database is only up to September 2021, and events and discoveries that occur after that aren’t taken into account. Bard’s database, meanwhile, is constantly being refined. It’s to your best interest to frequently double-check its output and never completely rely on it. Remember that AI may help you work smarter and more efficiently, but these are still only tools. It cannot replace your own expertise, creativity, and judgment.

Work smarter with PLDT Home

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