• PLDT HOME Fibr Uber Black promo PLDT HOME Fibr Uber Black promo

HOME and UBER will be giving away voucher codes that enable PLDT HOME Fibr subscribers to avail of two (2) FREE rides worth up to PHP 500.00 each using UBER BLACK (or UBER X)

Eligibility to Avail of the Promo

  • The promo period is from November 7- December 31, 2015.
  • This promo is open to all existing PLDT HOME Fibr subscribers.
  • Subscribers must be
    1. On a current and active Fibr subscription as of September 15
    2. Residents of National Capital Region
    3. Credit card holders
    4. First time UBER users
    5. Of good standing

Voucher Details

  • Qualified subscribers will be sent with an electronic email containing the free e-voucher that will entitle them two (2) free rides worth up to P500 each using UBER.
  • Subscribers may also dial 171 or send an e-mail to customercare@pldt.com to receive the e-voucher code.
  • Promo voucher is non-transferable and non-convertible to cash. Valid until March 2, 2015.

How to Join

  • Subscribers may download the UBER app from Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or thru Telpad’s knAPPsack and have it installed in their device.
  • Subscribers will open the UBER app and perform the corresponding registration process.
  • Using the Voucher

    Step 1: CUSTOMER chooses type of UBER ride (recommending to use Black Car).

    Step 2: CUSTOMER drags pin to his / her location and presses the “right arrow” to set pick up location.

    uber step 2

    Step 3:“Request Car” button and options shall appear once CUSTOMER sets a pick up location. CUSTOMER clicks “PROMO CODE” and shall be prompted with a promo code form.

    uber step 3

    Step 4: CUSTOMER enters promo code voucher in the form and clicks apply.

    uber step 4

    Step 5: CUSTOMER clicks “Request Car” button to book an UBER ride and avail of the promo. Promo voucher is non-transferrable and non-convertible to cash. 

    Per DTI-NCR Permit No.16517 Series of 2015.